Thursday, July 26, 2012

Creative Floods

I compare myself to the weather patterns....sometimes there are severe droughts, and sometimes there are epic floods.
June and July, for some reason in my life, tend to be drought season.

 June is crazy school month and then July is holidays - visitors, visiting, etc.

 Lemonade Stands
 Calgary Stampede Pancake Breakfasts each day
 Fossil hunting with cousins
 Lake Louise'ing
 Canoeing on Lake Louise
Blendie drinks 

This feast or famine has been occurring regularly in my blog for quite a few years now.   I've come to expect it, and I'm not surprised anymore.  I don't even read up on any one else's blogs.  It's quite a liberating vacation, actually.

Yesterday the clouds opened and the flood waters began.  So I spent the majority of the afternoon and evening sketching and colouring some meaty patterns on my back deck while the kids pummelled each other with the hose and water guns.'s been a busy time.  Entering August always gets me back into creative mode as I think about the Fall approaching.  

Hope you are all doing well if you read this far into my post.


  1. Same here... I'd rather be at the pool splashing with my little guy than editing photos... and thats ok! I love fall, personally, and it always inspires me!

  2. Good to see you looking so well - nice haircut! Looks like a fabulous summer. It's so good to let kids be kids, and it does mean that you get to go out and be one too sometimes! Hope you've had fun, looking forward to a peek at your new ideas.

  3. Ooooh had part of my honeymoon staying at Lake Louise 'cept the lake was May!

  4. feast or famine around these parts too! i think you have a wonderful healthy approach, wish i would jsut step away for 2 months from the computer!

  5. Enjoy the holidays, the trips and visits! The virtual world keeps well - unlike sunshine, gardens, and hot weather drinks. :-)

  6. I can so relate to this! Kids keep us all super busy at the best of times and summers are so short - well you know what I am talking about Canadian girl. Nice to read a post again though :)


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