Friday, November 01, 2013

My week

  I finally got a project started that has been on the brain for awhile....
I will give more details about it later on in the week...


But for now...I get to quilt it, have fun and play.

This week hasn't been all fun and games.   I jammed a needle in my machine and ended up having to re-time my machine -  and then do something called a Mag Wheel Adjustment.   Yes, it was as daunting as it sounds.  My whole machine was taken me.   And put back me.
Millie is up and running again, however, and hopefully I won't have that episode again.  I was pretty grouchy around here.  

To end on a great note -  I wanted to pass along some information.  If you are interested in renting a longarm quilting machine to quilt some of your own projects,  Bev of Little House Creations has started up a rental program out of her studio in Addie's Creative Fabrics in Cochrane.   Along with Betty Anne,  they will be renting their longarm machines out for quilters to complete their projects.  And guess who will be teaching the
 'how do you use this massive intimidating thing class?'  

I am no quilter extraordinaire - but I certainly know how to operate this thing, inside and out.  And being an experienced teacher, I have lots of tips and tricks to make things easier for you, and to ensure a great time in front of the longarm quilting machine!
 I will also customize my lesson to your experience, goals and preferences. 

If you are interested in learning more -  here is the link to Bev's blog post on the rental program


  1. Your quilting looks gorgeous so far :)

  2. Is Cochrane near me then? ;-)

  3. love seeing your quilting on this one...i have somewhat similar blocks that have been sitting on my wall for months....need to pull the trigger and put a quilt together!!

  4. Andrea - we are soooo excited to be working with you! You will bring everything and more to the classes! Timing your own machine - awesome! I hope I never have to learn that - but if I do, you're my go-to-gal! Look forward to some great times together at Addies and our little studio! Bev

  5. Ugh... that repair process sounds very unpleasant. Glad it's sorted out for you now!

    And is it just the light or are you quilting on satin and velvet? Either way.... Oooooh!

  6. Rock star!!

    Is that silk?

  7. That just sounds really scary!!!

  8. You have earned a huge chunk of respect for all that machine work & learning to do timing too !~! Amazing and for sure the go-to-gal in your area now.


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