Sunday, March 08, 2009


Well, the quilt top is done.  I was sailing along on it thinking, ah no problem on this one, piece of cake.  Until I started ironing it...and I found one mistake.  Two thin strips of the same colour butted next to each other.  How I didn't see it prior to piecing it, I don't know.  Me thinks the little leprechauns were around....  after debating, I had to rip it apart and fix it up.  

I need to purchase backing fabric for this tomorrow, but in the meantime I did pieced binding with the left over fabric.  Shameless photo with my littlest guy, but the lighting was so perfect and so was he.  Look at his lashes!  Why can't I have those?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet pic! I have a couple with those lashes :)


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