Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend..

We had such a busy weekend.   I was determined to get the training wheels off Ethan's bike, and I did.  Saturday's adventure to the park was a wobbly one, and he did so well.  We rewarded him and Cameron with their first ever Slurpee!  Oh my.  They were in heaven.  I snuck a few sips of their Orange Creamsicle Slurpee creation.   Why can't they make sugar free ones?  I mean, they make diet coke, why can't they make diet coke slurpees?    On Sunday, we continued my mission of cycling without the trainers, and we went to Miquelon Lake, er slough,  for a family picnic and some more practice.  Next step = learning to turn and starting without mommy's push.    We had a great day. The weather was warm, and it was a calm and pleasant day.   I even got to swing out to my local quilt shop to pickup some backing fabric for my chambray quilt (which is close to being finished!)   Mother's Day wasn't typical,  I didn't get pampered, but that's not my style.   but I did get to spend it with my husband and boys, which is my favourite thing to do.

Today, the weather forecast is nice, and there is a threat of cooler weather this week, so I zoomed in the garden and cleaned up all the dead stuff and trimmed back some shrubs.   I'm dying to get some of my seedlings planted, but there's threat of frost in the eves this week, so I'll wait another week.    But, gardening in MY garden pays off.   I found a $5 bill that must have blown in from somewhere this year. It gets really gusty here.     So, in my obsessive mind, I immediately thought, OOH! I could get 1/2 yard of some new Michael Miller fabric, or a couple of fq's on etsy, or a few new spools of thread from connecting threads.

No thought of, hey..this would be great towards groceries.  It's all about the fabric.   I'm in trouble.

This year, I remembered my mom as I do always.  But it didn't seem to hurt as much.  I know she was there holding him steady as I let go of him pedalling away down the path....


  1. Looks like you had a lovely day!

    Isn't it funny: we spend all this time getting them independent on those bikes, then we fret when they ride off to who-knows-where!

    I know just what you mean about the found money. The groceries HAVE to get paid for, right? So extra money should go for fun! Besides - they get Slurpees, you get fabric. Sounds like a fair deal to me!

  2. Sounds like you had a good day. And you're right on two points your mom is definitely always there! And yes, it is really all about the fabric.

  3. Thought you might be interested in this :)


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