Saturday, January 05, 2008


I’m going to try and record daily the things that I normally don’t take the time to be grateful for.
1. Watching David Letterman with Trent last night and feeling like we were really having fun.
2. Laughing hysterically at Robin Williams (on Letterman) for his constant comedy on overdrive. Thank you for being so funny, Robin!
3. Ethan and Cameron hugging and kissing each other for no apparant reason, other than a game of “look how cute we are”.
4. That Ethan has matured enough not to have meltdowns when we leave the playpark, and sets this example for Cameron.
5. My husband never questions anything I purchase (I know I’m not a big spender…but still!) and today I bought a sewing machine from ebay and he was very happy.


  1. I love gratitude journals..I often find people say 'I am grateful for my health, my family....' etc etc but I think gratitude journals are for more than that - for noticing the little things in life.....

    I'm enjoying being 'nosy' at your gratitudes ;)

  2. Actually, I got the idea from you! :) You are always so positive, and I admire how you take the time to post the simpler things that are actually the "big" picture, yk?


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